We lost our home in December of 2008 and in losing our home we lost the recording studio I built in the back of the house. The Above picture was taken after we cleared everything out of the engineering booth area. There was still dust in the air so it's not a clear as I would have liked it. The desk top covering the piano and running along side the wall is Cedar inlay at a variety of lengths about 2" wide and a 1/4" thick. Each was cut individually. You can click each picture to enlarge them and see more detail.

This is taken a few feet into the engineering from the outside door. The door in the back ground leads to the main recording area. I built the door myself with Cedar T&G & Cedar Panel overlay.
The chairs are built into the wall and the seats lift up for storage. I stored wood pellet bags in them for the black stove. In front of the stove I laid ceramic tile which you'll see better in other pictures.

A picture of the piano top area from the back (ABOVE). And (BELOW) a picture from the keyboard view.

Looking in from the small hallway through the Cedar door to the wall. I had built two Guitar frames on the wall. One for my Ovation that you see in the picture and the other for my Guild 12 string.

This is the front entry. The Dark wood is inlaid Teak and the lighter wood is Meranti.

The wood inlay going to the back is all Meranti.

This is the back. The floor is Meranti, the dark wood on the face is Cedar T&G. The upper shelves are Hemlock panel and Hemlock strips.

In the picture (Below) you can see the floor before the Meranti and the back wall before I put in the shelves and cabinet.

This is the ceiling of the Vocal booth (Below) . It's Cedar T&G with Cedar panels. I wasn't finished with it.

Picture of the back shelves. Enlarge the picture and you'll see more detail. I wasn't finished with that area either.

The above picture is the back wall again with a better view of the Meranti strip top.