Monday, November 1, 2010

Good Sam Hospital - Master Millworks

 Good Samaritan Hospital - Puyallup, WA / Master Millworks
The first day I got there we had to erect two cutting tents inside the hospital.  The cutting room had been in the gift shop but was moved outside of the gift shop into this tent.  To take this picture I'm standing in the Starbucks coffee area we also finished.
These walls are outside of every elevator.  I helped with the walls outside of 5th floor elevators.
To the left of this picture is another tent we put up.  The wall on the fire place was being readied for panels.
Crown molding, one of my specialties, in the Starbucks shop.
This was taken on the fourth floor looking out at the Puyallup Fair Grounds.
Here's a cloth stick pin white board I put up with Cyrus, the trim is maple.

I worked with one of the carpenters that put this unit in.
All of the panels in each Hospital room were bamboo.

Jim and I put these three panels up in a nurses station in the E.R.

Here's the outside view of the Nurses station.  I was really impressed with the quality Master Millwork's cabinets and stations were.  All of the surface area in each Nurses station and patient rooms is Corian.

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